Now a day’s Kerala medical tourism
gets an identifying potential. Ayurvedic treatments are the most important
attraction for tourist
in worldwide. There is definitely a threat to medicinal plants because of over-exploitation for Ayurvedic and other healing systems.
It is vital to preserve them as the mainstay of Kerala's traditional wellness system.
in worldwide. There is definitely a threat to medicinal plants because of over-exploitation for Ayurvedic and other healing systems.
It is vital to preserve them as the mainstay of Kerala's traditional wellness system.
With many medicinal plants like, herbs
and shrubs used in Indian wellness system ‘Ayurveda’ are on the edge of
extinction. As many as 400 medicinal and herbal plants in India are in that
list. Most of them are included in the Red Data list of International Union for
Conservation of Nature.
Kerala get an idea of sending their seeds to a
"Seed Vault" in South Korea, Korea National Arboretum.
A team of botanists from Korean National
Arboretum was recently to discuss the government with a proposal that the state
could send seeds of some rare and endangered tropical medicinal plants for
preservation. But a final decision on the proposal will require the nod of the
National Biodiversity Authority (NBA).
Some famous private Ayurveda centres started
preservation projects for these plants.
Korean National Arboretum plans the seeds are stored as the raw material for plant breeding and protect them from complete extinction.

Korean National Arboretum plans the seeds are stored as the raw material for plant breeding and protect them from complete extinction.

Quality and quantity of these medical
plants are most important in Ayurveda based medical tourism.
According to market-analysts, despite difficulties in getting medicinal plants in required, Auryveda based medical tourism is on an upswing in Kerala.
In Kerala, the farmers willing to set aside part of their land to cultivate medicinal plants and herbs. They can sustain this only when there is a guarantee they get good price for their labour without being any exploitation.
According to market-analysts, despite difficulties in getting medicinal plants in required, Auryveda based medical tourism is on an upswing in Kerala.
In Kerala, the farmers willing to set aside part of their land to cultivate medicinal plants and herbs. They can sustain this only when there is a guarantee they get good price for their labour without being any exploitation.