Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Feel Healthy while Traveling Abroad

A global holiday requires intense planning for the best results of vacation but sometimes it can be knocked off by an uncertain problem of health.
Having no knowledge about the local language or unacceptance of insurance can become a big problem even while filling a prescription. According to U.S.
Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, in 2012 nearly 61 million Americans traveled for pleasure or business with tours rising to 6.8 million only in July.
The Caribbean, Asia and Europe aggregately recorded nearly 80% of all trips outside North America. Here are some tips for you to take care of your health wherever in the world you travel.
It is better to bring ample amount of medication with you than rushing here and there in the country which you don’t know. By showing your travel itinerary, most pharmacies will give you a prolonged supply of medication. When traveling abroad make sure to write your name in the original bottles with prescriptions, so as to overcome any problems while your baggage is searched.  

Dr. Sal Pardo, vice chair of emergency medicine at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center said, “Any medication should be identified and kept in properly marked bottles as it is reasonable and guaranteed way to travel with medicine.”

Ensure to check medicine like Codeine (pain medication) in the embassy to make certain that the drug is not illegal in the country that you are visiting. Lists of US embassies are avail on the department website www.usembassy.gov where you can easily search for the required embassies.

 If you happen to lose medication or if certainty of any new prescription is needed than email or fax from a U.S physician will be honored by the pharmacies abroad.
However in some countries pain medications, antibiotics and other common pharmaceuticals are dispensed at pharmacy without the need of a prescription.
As, most government and employer based health plans do not cover medical care in foreign countries, many travel companies suggest travel health insurance. Companies like Travel Guard (www.travelguard.com) offer an array of health coverage from essential medical expenses to medical evacuation along with covering the cancelled trips/travel delays.  

International flight can cost you $50, 000 or more depending on the country and the condition of the patient making an insurance policy. According to Laurene Taylor of Liberty Travel, a New York-based travel agency, repatriation of dismembered limbs and other remains of adventure travelers can also be covered. Travel insurance prices vary depending on the expense of the tour and the age bar of travelers, for example: 30 year old traveler for a trip of $1, 500 may be charged $80 whereas 70 year old traveler for same trip may be charged $160.   

Pardo suggest these policies for both younger patients and older patients with established health problems. Pardo said, “The young or healthy group of people who travel abroad for 3 months are the one who don’t expect anything but they are the ones to get into problem. Unexpectedly, they need these services”.

In any uncertainty like a stung of a jelly fish while swimming, your health insurance does not cover your overseas travel, than luckily there are various organizations that assist you in finding expert physicians. www.iamat.org/doctors_clinics.cfm a website of the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT) maintains an online database of the English speaking and licensed doctors in 90 countries. 

In some hotel, English-speaking doctors are call on request. Travelers with allergies, chronic condition or rare blood types are urged by the doctors to bring a form with their health record. www.er101.org by the American College of Emergency Physicians provides health record form by which your doctor can point out the things to be included.
Lastly, this is something you want to keep in your pocket or wallet/purse rather than baggage that stays in the room of your hotel or any other place.

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A travel and tourism enthusiast, travel writer, interested to explore unexplored locations around world. Love to share the tourism updates, news and developments happening in my native place - Kerala.


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