March 13, 2025

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Aviation Min Promote Heli-Tourism And HEMS in State

The ministry of civil aviation has a strong intention to promote heli-tourism and Helicopter Emergency
Medical Services (HEMS) in the state. The ministry wanted to play an important role between the state government and private operators in promoting heli-tourism and emergency medical services.

It would be discussed with state tourism departments and medical and private promoters during the fourth International Exhibition and Conference on Civil Aviation-India Aviation-2014 to be held from March 12 to 16. Not only AP, Kerala and Karnataka also have the interest in it and also a few private operators were interested in exploring HEMS and heli-tourism in the state and wanted to have a tie-up with the government departments for starting the services.

 There are several important places of tourism in the state that are promoted by the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC). These places can be linked through helicopter services. Tourism is going to be a huge business and this is one area the civil helicopter industry needs to focus on with due support from the governments. The top heli-tourism destinations in the state include the diverse cultures and geographic spread coupled with a rich flora, fauna, forest and wildlife.

 The civil aviation ministry was also promoting HEMS as medical attention; it helps to increase the chances of a patient’s survival and recovery. The helicopter equipped with emergency medical equipment along with qualified doctors can play an important role in shifting the critical patients from remote and mountainous areas to Hyderabad and other cities where advanced critical care can be provided.

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A travel and tourism enthusiast, travel writer, interested to explore unexplored locations around world. Love to share the tourism updates, news and developments happening in my native place - Kerala.
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