Sunday, December 1, 2013


GOA, India — as one of the American Guy was sipping a beer near an ocean side and just
in a moment of time he was offered Drugs.

As I was enjoying a beauty of waves during my weekend holidays and before I was trying to tangle deep into a shore of beaches I was asked whether I want to buy a drugs or not, that’s how easy an environment here and everything is just so quick and open, said Pablo Rosa, 48 years old women from Texas, America.

As we all aware about the popularity of Goa, its alluring ambiance, beaches, ayurvedic-healing resorts and businesses bearing names such as Karmic Cafe, Buddha Tattoo and Nirvana Bar all are becoming a centre of attraction for both domestic and foreigners to enjoy their vacation.

But under such a light of beauty drug trafficking is slowly eating a reputation of this popular destination.

Few weeks ago media exposed a culture of this cocaine coast as one Nigerian was killed during tug of war between drug gangs, seeing this fierce Nigerian dragged his body from police custody and created a scene of violence, attacked police officers and blocked a national highway for hours.

And between that a fierce rivalry between Nigerians and locals broke out as they waved festoons of “Say No to Nigerians, Say No to Drugs”. This incident reflected a sense of growing racism which is creating an uneasy atmosphere for Africans. Meanwhile statement from Goa politician who claimed Nigerians are like cancer; made the environment more delicate and many locals even said they would not rent rooms, motorcycles or scooters to Nigerians.

One of the Goa newspaper named Goan, highlighted Soon every Goa Street will be ruled by drug gangs and their political cahoots.

Frederick Noronha, who runs a nonfiction publishing house called Goa 1556, said, people are confused and has a mix reaction regarding the changes that tourism has brought.

Soon as the government announced to arrest the Nigerians without a proper documents triggered a diplomatic furore. Thirty-four of the 52 Nigerians arrested in the highway protest lacked valid papers, according to a state immigration official.

Joe Prince, a 31-year-old Nigerian businessman, said Indian people hate us and has also showed his discontent regarding all the action and insult.

This turmoil and deadlock has really affected an easy going culture of Goa and after 1960 which has driven many foreign hippies in a land of Goa, locals are now arguing whether a region is paying too high to see a boom in tourism.

Dattesh Parulekar, an assistant professor of international relations at Goa University, said, what we can see and have noticed is that many foreigners have run their business and have shacked beaches and at a same time continuously trading drugs and locals are handless as they entice a profit and brings tourism. 

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A travel and tourism enthusiast, travel writer, interested to explore unexplored locations around world. Love to share the tourism updates, news and developments happening in my native place - Kerala.


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