Sunday, December 1, 2013

Six Tips to Keep You Fit During the Holiday Season

During holiday season, generally there are social gatherings and one gets indulged
into baked foods and one finds it tough to keep them away from unhealthy diets.

During this time, you cannot avoid them as they are do delicious and tempting and this could lead to put some weight, so get prepared mentally to enjoy this unhealthy eating. Here are few tips that would help you to tackle with this.

You got to always plan beforehand. When going to attend an event, have a high protein snack before reaching the destination. It is easy to make up your mind to eat healthy at events when you are not starving. And if you are hosting a party, prepare some healthier alternatives than the traditional party foods.

Make sure to drink lots of water to stay well hydrated and avoid the party cocktails that are made of heavy cream, sweet juices and other mixes that contain high calories. Opt to sip a glass of red wine or some clear alcohols with club soda and a splash of lime Instead, sip a glass of red wine or opt for clear alcohols with club soda and a splash of lime, and have a glass of water between each drink.

When you are attending an event make sure that you fill your plate with green salads and fresh fruits. These items contain much less calories than the roasted vegetables and meats. Having fruits and salads in plenty will keep very less space for high calorie items.

Rather than focusing on food shift your focus on holidays. Holidays are for spending quality times with your loved ones and creating some memorable moments. Find things to enjoy with your loved ones that do not indulge food. Try some adventure activities like ice-skating, trekking and camping during your holidays.

Give importance to exercise it is very important and would help you burn extra calories and keep you fit. More of all, exercise keeps you healthy as well, even if you are tempted by the baked food.

Get plenty of sleep during your holidays as insufficient sleep will have negative impact on your health and you will not be able to concentrate on your work when the holidays are over.

Follow these simple tips this holiday season and enjoy your holidays while staying fit. 

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A travel and tourism enthusiast, travel writer, interested to explore unexplored locations around world. Love to share the tourism updates, news and developments happening in my native place - Kerala.


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